Prevent the Spread of Disease
Prevent the Spread of Disease
Clinicians (doctors, PAs, nurse practitioners, nurses, nursing assistants) are asked by their hospitals and clinics to perform the following sequence of hand sanitation when examining patients: 1) enter room, 2) wash hands, 2) don disposable gloves, 3) examine patient, 4) wash hands, 5) exit room.
The use of hands by the clinician is essential for the practice of medicine. The patient must be touched by the clinician in order to detect skin lesions, lymph nodes, masses and areas of pain.
Given these considerations, the NIB should only be used in the clinical setting as an additional method of sanitation. Hand washing continues to be of paramount and primary importance. The NIBTM merely minimizes transfer of pathogens, but it is not a replacement for hand washing.
In summary the NIBTM should be used in the following settings: 1) non-clinical settings when hand washing or decontamination is not practical, 2) clinical settings where all standard hand decontamination practices are maintained and performed prior to doing the NIBTM.